Ways to Foster A Friendship ForeverWays to Foster A Friendship Forever

As you grow up and take the journey of life ahead, you meet many people along your way. Some stay for a short period, whereas, others become an integral part of your life. If you want someone to be in your life forever, then you are at the right place. You will get to know 9 ways to foster a friendship forever in this blog.

You may have heard somewhere that if you have been friends with someone for over seven years, then it is likely that you will be friends with them for the rest of your life. Do you have a friend with whom you have shared a bond for over seven years? If yes, then you already are a lucky person, if not, don’t worry, you will get an idea of how to foster friendships for a lifetime.

Why Are Friends So Important?

Friends and friendship, these are simple words with deep meaning. Without friends, you cannot imagine your life. From the day you become conscious till the day you die, you continue to make friends. Without them, your life is just like a barren land. 

True friends multiply the good things in life and divide the evil. They teach you things that help you to build yourself in your professional as well as in your personal life. 

Friends are also necessary for your health, both mental and physical. The things you cannot share with your family, you can share with a friend. Amusing banters of life are experienced with them. You can be the way you are and they won’t even judge you.

Let’s move ahead and get to know how you can foster a forever kind of friendship.

Always Have Their Back In Every Situation

Good friends are those who stick by you through thick and thin. When times are tough, they become the shoulder to lean on. It is beneficial to have someone in your life who is always available for you. Their presence and support give the assurance that no matter what this person will always be there. 

The guidance or solution given by them may not always be fruitful, but you become happy and relieved, just by their presence and involvement. The support and care that you receive from them are incomparable.

Related blog, Platonic Friendship: What is it and what are its signs?

Have Conversations

A healthy relationship relies heavily on effective communication. When you sit down and talk about your problems, and share your feelings and thoughts, the other person understands you better. When you build understanding, you foster a friendship forever that is strong enough to not break easily. 

Communication is a good way of expressing your feelings. Conveying what you truly feel helps you to make the other person understand you better. Trust and understanding are the important pillars of any relationship. 

You can understand its significance by using an analogy: just as we need to water a plant for it to grow, we need communication for our bonds to grow deeper and stronger. Strong communication can make your friendship strong enough to stand against all odds.

Always Support Them

Friends are the biggest cheerleaders in your life. So try to be there for each other and support one another no matter what the situation is. Having someone who just sticks by your side during tough times gives you moral support. It boosts your confidence and makes you feel loved and important. 

Supporting them doesn’t mean to blindly say yes to everything. You need to be cautious and keep their well-being in mind while supporting them on any issue. Also, don’t forget to share your opinion about the matter concerned.

Spend Time Together

It is essential to take some time in your schedule to spend with your friends. Even if you live far apart, schedule meetings or hang out on weekends. So that you can catch up and not let the distance get in the way of friendship. Having fun with friends is a part of life, spending time with them tends to release your stress and provide you with ease. 

Do not keep your friendships confined to social media only, there is a huge difference between virtual and physical meetings. Virtually you cannot have that fun or you may not be able to enjoy as much as you can in person. 

Never Break Their Trust And Confidence

It takes time to build trust and confidence in a relationship. If your friend has enough trust in you and shares things with you, it is your responsibility to not break it.

We all need someone in life with whom we can share our secrets, thoughts and feelings. If you are that someone in somebody’s life, you are definitely important to that person. So don’t ever share those things with anybody else. Because if you do so then you will lose the trust as well as the person.

Involve Them In Your Life

Sometimes you may get too busy in your life and do not have much time to hang out or chill with your friends. In that case, just give a call to your friend, tell them about your day and the things going on in your life.

Do not let your friend feel ignored, it can ruin your friendship. Friends are the chosen family so try and treat them like one. Value their opinions and individuality. Make them feel an important part of your life. 

Celebrate Their Milestones

Friends who stick by you during difficult times are loyal. Whereas, friends who celebrate your success and are truly happy for you are a blessing in disguise. 

Nowadays, everyone is so preoccupied with their own lives that their own success is everything to them.

Therefore, try to be a friend who celebrates the success of your friends as well. Acknowledge the hard work and the efforts they put forth. Be happy for them, and celebrate it to the fullest.

Give Some Space

Having close friends does not always mean that you have to be with them every time. Neither is it necessary to know everything or give your opinion. Sometimes all you need to do is be silent. You can be silent and also be helpful. 

Don’t try to be clingy. Give your friend some personal space. Everyone needs some time alone to think about something effectively. When you keep a healthy distance in your friendship, your friendship will last for a lifetime.

Don’t Talk Bad About Them With Others

It is said that where there is love, there is fight. You do not argue with a stranger, right? You argue with someone important to you. No doubt, there will be issues, arguments, and problems with the person you share a bond with. As everything has a good as well as a bad aspect. And if you want to foster a friendship forever with them, don’t ever break the trust of your friend.

That doesn’t mean that you will go to others and talk ill about them. Don’t even share what has happened between you and your friend with others. Because instead of solving the problem you might end up creating a new one.

In anger, you might end up saying things that you do not want to, and it will result in you feeling guilty. And when your friend discovers you have said negative things about them, it will be detrimental to your friendship.

Also read: 3 Types of Close Friendship

By Anshuman

Hii, I am Anshuman, I love to express myself using words. I have a master's in English literature and have interest in diverse domains. Since my college days, I have been taking a great interest in content writing, specially the blogs. I love to write about love and relatioship, friendship, gaming, fun, tech and gadgets and entertainment. I have been writing blogs in the above-mentioned niche for more than 3 years and have published hundreds of blogs online. I love to read novels, watch movies, listening to music and solo travelling.

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