11 Ways Of Building Trust In Relationships

11 Ways Of Building Trust In Relationships

Trust in relationships is important as it helps to tackle insecurities. Insecurities and overthinking are common barriers to building trust. Insecurities can cause relationship problems, and disputes. However, these things can easily be resolved by simple steps:


Communication is essential to build relationships. It helps to overcome problems, and be more open and understanding towards each other. Understanding is crucial as it helps avoid misunderstandings and overthinking. 

When you openly communicate with your partner, you are more likely to understand each other’s perspective and be more understanding of problems. 

In a relationship, problems are unavoidable, nevertheless, communication help you to solve issues as a team. Moreover, it helps to solve conflicts.

Be Honest 

You need to be honest in order to understand how to trust  your partner. Being Honest about everything even if you make mistakes. If you want your partner to trust you, honesty should be your priority. 

No one is perfect, we make mistakes. However, owning up to mistakes and being honest about everything helps in building trust. 

Respecting Each Other

Respect is vital in a relationship. You must respect your partner and their boundaries. When your partner feels respected they feel comfortable around you which is important in order to gain trust.

Read more: How Do You Know You Love Someone? (For Both Boys & Girls) & 13 Signs of Trust Issues & How to Get Over Them

Don’t Over commit

Don’t promise things that you can’t do. Often, we unknowingly say things we don’t mean and this could create trust issues. When you over commit, your partner starts expecting and when expectations are not met, it can be disappointing, and frustrating.

For example – young couples often promise to marry each other. While it may be possible that teenage love lasts, there are many uncertainties that could arise.

Read more: Does teenage love last? & Importance Of Physical & Emotional Intimacy In A Relationship 

Trust the process 

If you want to build trust in relationships, you need to be patient. Trust is built overtime, and it takes effort. You can’t force someone to trust you, they need to be comfortable enough to open up to you.

Everyone takes their own time to open up, some people take a few days while some may take months. Hence, it is essential that your partner opens up on their own.

Put Yourself In Your Partner Shoes

If you aren’t sure about how your partner will feel about something, put yourself in your partner’s shoes and imagine how you would feel. 

Example – if you are about to do something and can’t figure out if it’s wrong, think from their perspective is doing the same, and think about how it would make you feel. Take decisions accordingly.

Continuous Process

Trust in relationships is a continuous cycle, just because a person trusts you once, it doesn’t mean that you can betray them. Hence, you need to keep putting in efforts, and give your partner reassurance if needed.

Be Present

Be present for your partner, be there for them when they need you. When someone knows that they can rely on you in times of need, they start to trust you more.

Keep Your Problems Private

When you have disagreements or misunderstandings, try to solve the issue together. This will show your partner that you care for them and are willing to solve the problems. Avoid involving a third person in your fights, as it shows that you lack communication.

2-Way Street 

Trust in relationships is a two way street, if you expect your partner to keep your trust, you should ensure that you keep theirs.

Keep Ego Aside

Ego is the biggest enemy in a relationship, it causes misunderstandings, fights, barriers and many relationship problems that are not healthy. When you are in a relationship you should keep aside your ego and resolve issues.

When you keep your ego aside, it shows that you are putting your partner first, and that you care for them. For example – if you have a disagreement, try to solve the problem rather than fighting with each other.

How To Trust Your Partner?

There are several reasons that a person develops trust issues such as past trauma, betrayal etc. Hence, if you want to trust your partner you need to take initiative.

It is difficult to trust again when your trust is broken once. However, we must remember that not everyone in the world is bad. 

Take small steps towards trusting your partner, and openly communicate your feelings. If you get suspicious of your partner, try initiating conversation with them rather than spying on them by invading their privacy. Moreover, remember that trust builds overtime, so do not rush into it. 


Relationship problems caused by lack of stress can be distressing. Trust is important in order to build relationships. 

Communication plays the biggest role in building trust, opening up to your partner, talking about your feelings, resolving suspicions are all important conversations you must have. Some conversations may be difficult. However, they are extremely important to have, it indicates how compatible you and your partner are.

You can also try out different trust building exercises to assist you or seek professional help.

Read about: 30 Best Trust-Building Exercises to Rebuild Relationships

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