5 Ways to Know If You Are in True LoveTrue love, early signs of true love

True love is something that everyone desires but nobody knows the exact meaning or definition of what true love is. We perceive it through our own experience. For some, it is all about care, attachment, and having good vibes when your special one is around whereas, others consider love as a powerful feeling. 

What if somebody wants to know, what is true love? Well, we have created this blog in which one can learn 5 ways to know if you are in true love. Also, this blog will help in getting an answer to “How to find true love?” 

Well, to discover all these things, first of all, we need to know what true love is. Let’s begin!

What is true love?

If I ask you the same question, What do you think love is? What will be your answer? Well, you might be wondering now, because it is not an easy question. But we will go by the majority, what the majority thinks will be considered the best definition of true love.

True love is an incredibly passionate bond that connects you to someone you think is perfect for you. It involves mutual trust, care, freedom, and respect.

Early signs of true love

Signs of true love in a long-distance relationship and short-distance relationships may differ but in most cases, they remain the same. 

The early signs of true love include mutual trust, respect, care, and a feeling of safety. However, there can be other signs as well, you need to notice some things whereas, some things need to be felt.  

Now, we will move on to the next part, which is learning 5 Ways to Know If You Are in True Love.

If You Trust Each Other

Trust is the first and most important thing that is needed to form a strong bond in a relationship. If you both trust each other to the extent that, if someone tries to poison your ears you wouldn’t believe that person, instead you ignore him. 

To find out if you are in true love, looking for mutual trust is a must. If you feel that you both trust each other then it could be the first sign that you both are in true love.

If You Carefully Listen and Understand Each Other

Listening to each other and understanding is one of the prerequisites in a relationship. A good listener can easily understand the problems and issues of his partner. Whereas, one who is not a keen listener chances of misunderstanding and miscommunication arise. 

At the beginning of your relationship, if you both carefully listen to each other and at the same time understand each other, then it is a good sign. It means that you two are a healthy couple. Moreover, it also means that you both truly love each other.

If You Both Can Communicate With Each Other Easily

Communication is the best tool to not let misunderstandings surface in your relationship. It is a must, not only in a love relationship but also in everyday life. It is one of the major tools to make your relationship successful.

If you and your partner communicate frequently with each other and share things then there are possibilities that you two are in true love. In many love relationships, people experience a lack of communication and it drastically affects the relationship. Sometimes, the relationship ends unexpectedly.

If You Want Each Other to Be Happy, No Matter What

If you selflessly love each other and care for each other’s happiness without any terms and conditions then it means you are in true love. 

When you enter into a love relationship, you always keep your partner’s happiness over yours but there should always be limitations. You should also give proper consideration to your happiness. If there is a balance between you and your partner then it is another sign of you being in true love.

If You Both Don’t Hesitate to Say Sorry

In most relationships, people hesitate to say sorry because of their ego. They feel that, if they say sorry, they will be judged or may feel rejected. 

However, if you are in a true relationship, you won’t have that feeling. If you are at fault, you won’t hesitate to apologise to your partner. This works mutually, if your partner also doesn’t hesitate to seek apologies, then you both are an amazing couple and your relationship will bloom with time.

Also read- Do’s and Don’ts in a Relationship 


Well, as we have already discussed above, we can’t give a proper definition of true love but there are some signs that one can notice to find out whether someone is in true love or not. 

5 Ways to Know If you are in true love, discussed above is a must in every romantic relationship. If you find your relationship lacking any of the above-mentioned points, don’t hesitate to talk about it with your partner. Also, the points mentioned above only, don’t necessarily mean that you are in true love. There are things that you should feel from your own experience as well.

By Anshuman

Hii, I am Anshuman, I love to express myself using words. I have a master's in English literature and have interest in diverse domains. Since my college days, I have been taking a great interest in content writing, specially the blogs. I love to write about love and relatioship, friendship, gaming, fun, tech and gadgets and entertainment. I have been writing blogs in the above-mentioned niche for more than 3 years and have published hundreds of blogs online. I love to read novels, watch movies, listening to music and solo travelling.

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