Do’s and Don'ts in a Relationship Do’s and Don'ts in a Relationship

Relationships are exciting yet quite tricky. You need to do a lot of things to be in a healthy and successful relationship. There are many dos and don’ts in a relationship, for it to work out efficiently.

When you start your relationship, everything might seem beautiful. You may get butterflies when the person is around, in short, you feel loved and important. But as time passes by, sometimes your relationship might lose that spark. The spark you got when you first met that person. There cannot be just one reason for that, you need to work on various aspects to maintain that spark.

When you and your partner understand the dos and don’ts in a relationship, you both will move forward towards a healthy and successful relationship.

What is a Relationship?

A relationship is basically a connection between two people. The bond you share with someone, may it be positive, negative, platonic or intimate.

Mostly, when people talk about being in a relationship, they refer to the specific type of romantic relationship, where there is some level of ongoing commitment. But it is not just about it. There are four basic types of relationships- family relationships, friendships, romantic relationships and acquaintances.

From childhood, one starts to build relationships and continues to do so till death. Building relationships is a very important part of life. You share a bond with every person you meet in your life.

Why is it Important to Maintain a Healthy Relationship?

When you share a bond with someone, you both become codependent on each other. Your mood will automatically affect your partner’s mood, and your problems and stress become theirs. Moreover, when you love someone, small changes in their behaviour matter to you.

It is very important to be in a healthy relationship for your mental and physical health. If you live in a toxic or not-so-healthy relationship, you will end up hurting yourself.

Moreover, When you are not in a good mood, you create a negative energy around you and you will not be able to live happily. For leading a happy and peaceful life you need to be in a positive environment.

And for creating a positive and healthy relationship, you must know the dos and don’ts in a relationship. Hence, let’s move ahead and get to know how to be in a healthy relationship.

Dos in a Relationship

Good Communication

Communication is the key to the success of any relationship. Feeling sad or hurt? Go communicate with your partner and see how you automatically start feeling better.

The whole point of communication is to not keep the baggage of your thoughts and feelings inside you. If you do so, you will burden yourself and even end up hurting or mentally exhausting yourself.


You should try to keep things crystal clear between you and your partner. There should be nothing hidden from each other. Because if your partner finds out from somewhere else and knows that you are hiding something, it can create a very problematic situation between both of you.

Always try to be truthful because one or the other day lies will definitely come out. So, it’s better not to create a situation where this type of problem arises. Whatever you are feeling or whatever you are facing, be open and honest with your partner.

Give Time To Each Other

Sometimes it happens that we get so preoccupied with the things in our life that we neglect the other person. This is not at all beneficial for either one. No matter how busy your schedule may get, try to give your partner the time and attention they deserve.

Plan something on the weekends, go on a date, or a candle night dinner. Make your partner feel special and loved. As time passes by, you have to maintain the spark in your relationship otherwise it will just vanish with time.

When you give time to each other, you become more empathetic towards one another. You understand each other better, show your love and affection and most importantly trust each other more. In a way you have to nurture your relationship so that it could grow deeper and stronger.

Listen, be Thoughtful and Respect Each Other

In any relationship, respect is one of the most important things to look for. You should never disrespect your partner, no matter how angry you are. Do not say or do anything that is hurtful and can hurt your partner or relationship.

Try to be a good listener. When you listen more and speak less, half of your problems can be solved. You can understand your partner better when you listen to what they have to say. When you know the problem you can take the necessary steps to solve it, rather than making it worse uselessly.

Before saying or doing anything, be thoughtful. Think whether it can hurt your partner’s feelings or not. If you think it might hurt them, avoid doing such talks. Keep your relationship above anything else and see how your relationship blooms.

Don’ts in a Relationship

Do not break trust

Trust is a simple word with a deep meaning. Trust takes years to build and just one moment to break it. It is the foundation of a relationship.

When you and your partner become close to each other, you automatically start sharing things out of emotions. That doesn’t mean you can share that with anyone else or use it against them in a fight. This is something that can devastate your relationship’s foundation.
If your partner has put their trust in you, never betray them.

Do Not Hit below the belt

Over time, you know enough about your partner. You know what will make your partner happy, sad, hurt or angry. Knowing how your partner will react, still saying something or doing something that can make your partner feel hurt or angry, is the most terrible thing you can do. Never ever say anything that you regret saying later.

Doing something like this can leave deep scars and can erode trust. Successful relationships are where the partners know what exactly can hurt the other person and what they should never bring up in between any arguments.

Do Not Blame Your Partner

When things go wrong, people blame others because they don’t know how to handle the situation effectively. However, when you do the same by blaming your partner instead of taking accountability, your relationship suffers.

Try to take accountability for the situation; whoever made the mistake, try to be mature enough to handle the situation properly. When you blame each other instead of working together to solve a problem, your relationship suffers. You will feel the love you once felt. Blaming will only exacerbate the situation and will benefit no one.

Do Not Break Promises

Promises are not meant to be broken. When you promise someone, they trust and put faith in you, it takes a lot to trust someone. When you break someone’s trust it becomes difficult for that person to trust you again. What is a relationship without trust, right?

Trust is one of the most important pillars of a successful and healthy relationship. Therefore, breaking promises is directly proportional to breaking someone’s belief and trust. For a relationship to work out properly, you need to look out for your partner’s feelings and never break their trust.

Also Read: 5 Benefits of Setting Boundaries in a Friendship

By Anshuman

Hii, I am Anshuman, I love to express myself using words. I have a master's in English literature and have interest in diverse domains. Since my college days, I have been taking a great interest in content writing, specially the blogs. I love to write about love and relatioship, friendship, gaming, fun, tech and gadgets and entertainment. I have been writing blogs in the above-mentioned niche for more than 3 years and have published hundreds of blogs online. I love to read novels, watch movies, listening to music and solo travelling.

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